Friday, July 25, 2008

Jillian's Thought

Good morning-

JW emailed a topic--transitions--that bears its own thread. I excerpt from the email here. Please respond in the comments below.

From the email:
Hey all!

Everyone's individual projects seem to be taking form, though...people (myself included) still have a long way to go...the space doesn't seem to flow from one project to another...have a fear the exhibit lacks cohesion and I personally feel that issue should be addressed as aggressively as the individual projects.

One idea was to have Denise's flowers and Jacquelyn's stem/leaves working together throughout the space to force transition somehow- rather than having each piece localized and separate from one another.

I would like it if we could take some time on Monday to address the transitional spaces, as well as what will be "dead spaces" once everones' individual projects are completed. It may just be that there is already a scheme in the mix and I'm simply unaware of it.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Title for show!!!!

Be prepared to vote Monday, 7/28/08 on the following titles:

-Industrial Landscape

-Spatial Constructions

-Simultaneous Perspectives

Your projects

How did you arrive at your project?

Some questions:
What did you experience at the site initially?

How did this experience translate to your project in its initial state?

How has the project changed, or has it?

How has collaboration affected the project?

What is it like now, to see your ideas visually realized?

What have you learned from the process?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Week Four

Week Three

Week Two

Welcome to Building Landscape

Fourteen art and architecture students build a landscape shaped by "natural" and "artificial" environments in Tampa, Florida. Fanning out in teams to the University Mall on Fowler Ave, the USF Botanic Gardens and Library, students identify the salient features of each site within invented, hybrid spaces.

Week One: Visiting sites, drawing, pacing, photographing, taking notes

Anita Rafat, Jacqueline Bayliss, Stephanie Hornsby, Katie Weber, Jillian Warren, Hiroki Haraguchi, Vicki Miller, Denyce Coombs, Jessica Carr, Iva Cepanec, Lindsay Scoggins, Karen Tremmel, Jonothan Maher and Tim McMillan

Elisabeth Condon, Instructor

With heartfelt thanks to Irineo Cabreras, Chuck McGee, Shawn Cheatham and Ben Hooper, without whose help and technical expertise Industrial Landscapes would never have functioned as well or looked as great as it does. Deepest gratitude as well to Wallace Wilson, Deb Dennison and Gloria Quigley, project champion, for their support of the exhibition from start to finish.