A hybrid landscape created by 14 art and architecture students inspired by the University Shopping Mall, USF Library and Botanical Garden is now on view at the USF Oliver Gallery, August 7-29, 2008. See how the project developed here. For a viewing appointment, call 974-2360. Exhibition is open weekdays between 10AM and 5PM, August 8-29th. Opening Reception: Thursday August 7, 7-9 PM. Gallery location: USF Oliver Gallery, 3801 Holly Drive.
new dates???
Ben, looks good BUT!!!!Some typos need correction.
FACE of card:
Line 4:
Delete comma after Oliver Gallery
Lines 4 and 5:
Replace *The* before Oliver Gallery with USF Oliver Gallery
Line 6:
Opening Reception Thursday August 7 7-9 PM (we already know it's in Oliver Gallery)
Closing Reception
(Did you speak to anyone beside Lindsay, who so far is the only person to weigh in on the issue?)
If you can add
August 4-August 29, 2008
For more information: (phone number of someone willing to deal w/ public, open gallery)
BACK of card:
URL has no www.
Hey I like the design. =)
Good thing ec edited..lol
Regarding the flyers :
Firstly, I want to address the lack of design and invention. I do not feel that this card layout is appropriate to the theme and to the pieces in the show. It seems to posses a lack of interest for the show which is clearly reflected in the raw and too simplistic look of the card, in contrast to previous layouts (which were far more intriguing) done by Ben for other shows.
Secondly, I propose that unless there is a genuine interest to promote this show with the highest possible quality on Bens' part, we all submit layout proposals by tomorrow afternoon and have a class vote. I assume not all of you feel that there is a need for that, however I feel that there should at least be the possibility of choice, and not just simply settling for the first option available just because it makes it easier.
The design for the card is much appreciated, but the filled lettering is well...boring and predicable. Since Ben has been kind enough in doing this for us I hate to complain, but perhaps we could share some ideas with him or he has other layouts to choose from??? I will spend some time on this now that my crunch is behind me.
A fast way to jazz up the card would be to rid the letters of their black boundaries and float them on a photo of the show or the digital projection....blurring the letters and accentuating the imagery.
Hi all, this is Ben. I do not have an official space on this blog as I am not a registered member of this class. As this is the case I am using Lindsays name to post this response. I should start by saying that the card design is derived from a genuine lack of input and interest from anyone in the class also I am extremely busy right now with moving and am donating my services to all of you in order to help in any way I can. With the layouts I have done in the past I was given content with which to design the card. In this case I was given a disorganized assignment to create a card with no provided content other than the information on the blog. Iva, I apologize if the card is not up to your lofty standards, but I feel you were given the layout that you worked and payed for. I feel that you cannot claim that I'm disinterested in this project. If that were the case then what would compel me to donate my time and energy to helping you. As you have given me no input until now I hardly see the need for your baseless negativity. It is my hope that everyone will be satisfied with my donated services and if you are less than pleased by the result of my work than you can certainly feel free to fend for yourselves. I don't mean to be rude but I am feeling as though the general lack of organization is being blamed on me. All I have tried to do from the get go is to help without any form of compensation. I would be glad to provide you all with the .psd so that you can edit the layout in any way you wish. I would even be happy to change the layout to your specifications. All I ask is that you give me actual input before criticizing my efforts and that you treat me with respect as I render you with free service. I want to help in any way I can but refuse to be referred to in these regards. Please continue to give me feedback so long as that feedback remains courteous and respectful. Hope everything is well with all of you and that your projects meet a speedy,successful conclusion over the weekend.
Post raises a lot of issues, which, when I have energy, I'll create new posts for. The issues include:
How do people like to work.
Some prefer structure, some structure as they go. What is the quality of learning, either way?
What do people really want to give and how much can they give? Do these match up. Sometimes people promise more than circumstances allow them to deliver. This issue has come up several times already: services are offered, but then needed at inconvenient times. So the gift is rescinded and anger ensues.
Another and perhaps more major issue is criticism. What is criticism and how do we handle it? Is it an attack? Ingratitude? Caring enough to speak up? Is it personal, or is it toward the goal of the project?
These are all great issues to think about in relation to this class.
Oh! Wanted to add these comments are general not directly pointed at Ben or anyone else: I am magnifying the issues to think about them more carefully. But in rereading the post it sounds a bit removed.
I am very grateful for Ben's assistance, which has been enormously helpful. I also approved the card as is, understanding he had the blog to go on (which I think suffices, but since Ben is not in the class, of course he is going to have a different view of the projects than those creating them do).
That said, I appreciate the discussion about the card. Sometimes it's hard to see things with clarity before they happen: and this delays response. And criticism can be very useful, though sometimes can feel challenging or delayed. This has come up in the class as well.
I am confident that no matter what your experience now, (this is to all of you) you will in time come to treasure this experience.
And finally I apologize for breaking my rule to only post on topic in the thread rather than digress into another discussion.
I understand that you feel hurt Ben, however aside form that I feel like you took a simple comment little bit too far. I do not appreciate you saying - Iva, I apologize if the card is not up to your lofty standards, but I feel you were given the layout that you worked and payed for. -
I worked for this project day and night, and I do not want to be represented by a shoddy layout. At least show some effort if you are taking so much credit.
I personally did not ask you to do anything, but I thank you for your donated help. it has truly made my work so much better!
Ben, Again your volunteer work is very appreciated. I'm certainly guilty of not giving any input. Brain dead is my only excuse. Ideas: thinking...
What if the lettering was cut out? border thickness reduced?
Would the design appear cleaner if the card had an image as positive and the lettering as negative? It's so late in the date...is this possible? could you upload some ideas... keeping it simple.
How about simple black background instead of white...letters dropped out with images of silvers, gray, concrete, more minimalistic.
Folks, let's take Ben's psd and do it ourselves.
Ben, will you send?
He's done enough.
I would also like to point out that Ben volunteered to help with the project and it's clear people appreciate his help.
Respectfully I would also like to point out Ben initiated the volunteering so the situation is his choice. It might be more productive if, he finds himself too busy to continue helping, he simply inform us and we can take over rather than continue to involve him when he no longer wants to participate.
Ben: many thanks for your incredible work.
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