Friday, August 1, 2008

Presentation issues

Iva wrote,
"I would like to get few clarifications on the schedule regarding the floors. Are we going to paint them as a class? Otherwise, I will come in on Sunday and paint ONLY the critical areas. If there is more people involved we could get the whole gallery cleaned. I think presentation is at this point crucial."


ec said...

We made no plans to clean as a class. Hiroki is still at work, the floor is okay, but there'll be touch ups needed.
Go ahead and do what you need to do.
If Monday is slow we can do it first thing--at least mop.

ec said...

this post will be useful for cleanup plans.
Show maintenance:
-plug in extension cords under desk to activate sign and projection
-ensure lighting allows blue and yellow shadows to be cast on Anita's bench--this is ESSENTIAL
-ensure Stephanie's lights are on
-change bulb by Jacqueline's piece to maximize her shadows
-Hiroki's light stays on
-Blue notebook where someone can browse it
-IDEA! start a guest book for the mailing list-
-take your press packets and make sure they have NorthFaces and blog copies
-change dates on outside board from 28th to 29th closing
closing reception:
-strike the set after reception and/or following day (saturday)
-because of CAM you don't have to serve food; they will
-if you do decide to tho' there are plates and glasses in the closet (and napkins)
-trash bags, paper towels and sponges are good to bring for cleanup

ps. MONEY: I am getting the check and will distribute totals to thos e who submitted receipts. It's in the pipeline and you should be repaid within a few weeks.